Saturday, April 18, 2015

ASPCA Rescue Readers

Recently I was invited to collaborate with a cat on her autobiography. Who could say no to an offer like that? The resulting book, titled I Am Daisy (Simon and Schuster/2015), is for readers ages 6-9.

I am Daisy (actually written by the very talented, very human author Lori Froeb) is part of the ASPCA Kids Rescue Readers series, all of which feature true stories of pet adoptions organized by the ASPCA.

From Simon & Schuster's site: "This story is told with exuberance and humor from the pet's point of view with appropriately-leveled vocabulary. Woven into the story is the importance of care, protection, and love of animals." 

Click here for for more info, and to order your copy of I Am Daisy today. Support a marvelous institution, and let your "I Love Cats" flag fly!

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