Sunday, September 4, 2016


I am very pleased to announce the release of NY Dogs (punchline/2016), a book which I illustrated and also wrote. 

NY Dogs is a humorous look at the many and varied dogs of NYC, and the valiant humans who traipse after them, picking up their poo.

Outside of a book, a dog is man's best friend.
Inside of a book, it's too dark to read.
~ Groucho Marx

In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Malcolm Gladwell mentioned how difficult it is to make a reader laugh or cry. Mr. Gladwell was more interested in moving people to tears than to laughter, but after having just spent several months trying to write a funny book, the laughing part is what caught my attention. 

Making people laugh is much easier in a personal encounter than on the page because laughter is an emotional response. Gladwell credited his friend Charles for this thought: "People think with their eyes (reading) and feel with their ears (listening)."

Thankfully I had lots of help with the funny business. Click here to read about the team who helped make NY Dogs funny.

And of course, click here to order your copy of NY Dogs today!

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