Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Book Expo America

I spent the weekend in NYC at Book Expo America wandering around the massive Javits Convention Center, alternately alone, or with my one of my wonderful friends Marsha (a writer in from Savannah, GA) or Mauricio (owner of duopress). That's Mauricio standing to my right. Marsha took the photo.

They let me sit for fifteen minutes to sign advance copies of the soon-to-be-released Doodle Storybook™ Isabella's Shoe Studio, which by the way looks spectacular. It's a 2-color book which we separated manually, a process about which I will write at length when the books are available and I can get some good photos of the interior. The color leaps, I tell you—it is so vibrant and beautiful. Can't wait for you to see.

If you read the post I wrote before I left, the one right before this one—all about my shoe wardrobe for the trip—and are curious about how everything panned out, rest assured, I wore every shoe that I packed and have no post-shopping regrets. My facebook stream is full of footwear updates, if you care to see them.

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